Kubernetes 101 – Part 21 – Deployments
Use deployments to manage your rollout of code to production environement.
Scale made simple
Use deployments to manage your rollout of code to production environement.
Learn how to use Persistent Volumes with kubernetes to protect your data from pod restarts.
Learn how to use Volumes in your containers.
Allow traffic into your cluster using an Ingress.
Specify Resource requests and limits to optimally use the resources on your nodes.
Use taints and tolerations to migrate infrastructure from one set of nodes to the next.
Use podAffinity, podAntiAffinity and nodeAffinity to intelligently distribute your workload across nodes.
A look at an alternative to Minikube called Kind which supports multiple nodes and a preliminary look at node affinity.
First look at Horizontal scaling in kubernetes. Setup a horizontally scaled simple web application with database.
Setup up pods with multiple containers, for example a web application and a database in a single pod.