All the code for this chapter (and other chapters) is available at check the directory 021

In the previous posts we have looked at creation of pods and services. Using Replicasets we were able to scale out the pods and using the service we were able to load-balance traffic across the pods.

Deployment Problems

In a simple scenario, doing everything with a replicaset spec works just fine. When you have a big development team and many services, we need to find an easier way to deploy pods to production. The common tasks required by a deployment system are

  1. Deploy new versions
  2. Remove old versions
  3. Rollback to a previous version if the new version doesn’t roll out properly

We would like to do this without dropping traffic, if possible.

Deployment Resource

Kubernetes provides the deployment resource to handle this problem. The deployment resource provides the above features by managing Replicasets. Here is the spec for a deployment. This is available in 021/webdeployment.yml in the repository.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: backend
    app: web
    type: deployment
  replicas: 3
      app: web
      type: app
      name: web
        app: web
        type: app
      - name: web
        image: web:v1
        imagePullPolicy: Never
        command: ["/web"]
        args: []
          - containerPort: 8080
          - name: db_name
            value: web
          - name: db_user
            value: web
          - name: db_pass
            value: web
          - name: db_host
            value: database.components

As you can see, its almost identical to a Replicaset. The only change being the Kind. One reason for this is because the main function of Deployment is to create and delete Replicasets.


We will use minikube to do this exercise

kubernetes101/021/service$ eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
kubernetes101/021/service$ make dockerv1
kubernetes101/021/service$ make dockerv2
kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl apply -f components_service.yml
kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl apply -f postgres.yml

Rolling out changes

Once we have applied the above spec you should see 1 new replicaset and 3 new pods created.

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl apply -f webdeployment.yml 
deployment.apps/backend created

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl get rs
NAME                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
backend-65b4487bdb   3         3         3       11s

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl get pods
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
backend-65b4487bdb-456c8   1/1     Running   0          17s
backend-65b4487bdb-9tbbh   1/1     Running   0          17s
backend-65b4487bdb-sjnmv   1/1     Running   0          17s

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl get deployments
backend   3/3     3            3           82s

Checking Status

How do you know if a deployment has been rolled out ? kubectl rollout

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl rollout status deployments/backend
deployment "backend" successfully rolled out

Updating a deployment

Suppose a new version of an application becomes available. The easy way to update the deployment is edit it. Usually the new application is a new docker image. In our case we have the v2 image we built in Setup above. Lets use the kubectl set command change the image in the deployment.

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl set image deployments/backend web=web:v2
deployment.apps/backend image updated

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl get rs
NAME                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
backend-65b4487bdb   1         1         1       10m
backend-7d766fcb9f   3         3         2       8s

As you can see here, a new Replicaset was created and the old one was scaled down slowly.

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl get rs
NAME                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
backend-65b4487bdb   0         0         0       12m
backend-7d766fcb9f   3         3         3       108s


Now I want to see the revisions that have been deployed.

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl rollout history deploy/backend
1         <none>
2         <none>

If you want CHANGE-CAUSE to be updated, use –record in all your deployment related commands. The latgest numbered revision is the current revision.

You can look at the deployment spec used in any revision by

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl rollout history deploy/backend --revision=1
deployment.apps/backend with revision #1
Pod Template:
  Labels:       app=web
    Image:      web:v1
    Port:       8080/TCP
    Host Port:  0/TCP
      db_name:  web
      db_user:  web
      db_pass:  web
      db_host:  database.components
    Mounts:     <none>
  Volumes:      <none>


If a new rollout pod fails at the time of rollout, the deployment will automatically rollback.

You can also manually rollback using

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl rollout undo deployments/backend
deployment.apps/backend rolled back

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl rollout history deploy/backend 
2         <none>
3         <none>

What happened here is that the revision 1 has become revision 3. You can check the history for that revision to verify.

You can also specify –to-revision to rollback to a particular revision.

kubernetes101/021/service$ kubectl rollout undo --to-revision=2 deploy/backend


Deployments make deployments more deterministic

Deployments with rolling updates allow upgrades without traffic disruption

Deployments keep track of previous versions

use –record in Deployment to record the command used to update a deployment


With deployments we conclude the major components of a web service. There are a few minor details specifically around passing configuration to a web service using configMaps etc. We will look at that in the next one.